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5 条评论:

  1. 浪跡世界可能是大部份少年人的夢想, 但長大後可以實現的人其實不多, 你可以遊歷那麼多地方, 好羨慕呀
    [版主回覆05/25/2009 08:29:00]其實, 我也覺得自己很幸運, 可以有機會自由自在地到不同的地方大開眼界

  2. 睇瀑布?!
    [版主回覆05/27/2009 18:49:00]有這樣的打算, 但要看看當時瀑布的水量

  3. 我4月去咗17日阿根廷 (not including international flight time), 未有時間開始寫blog.   我4月去個陣瀑布水量唔多, 有d失望
    [版主回覆06/16/2009 09:56:00]welcome

  4. 如果你唔係去skiing, 你個時候去El Calafate好似唔啱天氣.   mini trekking 只係去到6月.   同埋有心理準備glacier 經常天氣唔好.   有一個glacier 係出名睇佢跌落海發出既巨響, 凍個陣係咪無架? Puerto Madryn & Bariloche 都會好凍~    Have u checked how many hours by bus from Bariloche to mendoza?  聽聞巴士唔錯.  聽人講El Chalten 好靚.
    if u are not interested in vineyard, i'd prefer Salta for sight-seeing.  Salta looks strange when u get there, the sight-seeing places are far from Salta city.  Cordoba is another big city.   Seems few sight-seeing place and we skip it.   The distance between each scenic place is very far in Argentina.   Tourists from america and europe will travel to different part of Argentina in different season.    
    All domestic flights have to transit at BA.      Mendoza fly to Igazu via BA will need one day.  U only have time to go to either Brazilien side or argentina side @ igazu unless u spend one more day there.  
    Sunday market at San Telmo is rather disappointed to me.  I'd prefer La Boca but it's not a safe area, u must go there in day time before 5pm.        
    Seems July is the season to go to Peru.  But it's a peak season to go there!
    28-29 Iguazu Fall 30-2 Buenos Aires 因為只有3星期, 時間少, 想去的地方又很多, 所以有點不知所措。到 El Calafate當然是看冰川,我打算參加 excursion(boat trip & mini-trekking)。而到 puerto madryn,當然是看 whale。到 bariloche,主要是到 lake districts,因為我不懂 skiing。而我不一定要到酒莊,所以現在正考慮到 salta,cordaba還是保留mendoza。我知道到 iguazu fall 要經 buenos aires,但我又想在星期日到 san telmo的 sunday market, 所以把 buenos aires 留在最後。

  5. 如果你唔係去skiing, 你個時候去El Calafate好似唔啱天氣.   mini trekking 只係去到6月.   同埋有心理準備glacier 經常天氣唔好.   有一個glacier 係出名睇佢跌落海發出既巨響, 凍個陣係咪無架? Puerto Madryn & Bariloche 都會好凍~    Have u checked how many hours by bus from Bariloche to mendoza?  聽聞巴士唔錯.  聽人講El Chalten 好靚.
    if u are not interested in vineyard, i'd prefer Salta for sight-seeing.  Salta looks strange when u get there, the sight-seeing places are far from Salta city.  Cordoba is another big city.   Seems few sight-seeing place and we skip it.   The distance between each scenic place is very far in Argentina.   Tourists from america and europe will travel to different part of Argentina in different season.    
    All domestic flights have to transit at BA.      Mendoza fly to Igazu via BA will need one day.  U only have time to go to either Brazilien side or argentina side @ igazu unless u spend one more day there.  
    Sunday market at San Telmo is rather disappointed to me.  I'd prefer La Boca but it's not a safe area, u must go there in day time before 5pm.        
    Seems July is the season to go to Peru.  But it's a peak season to go there!
